A Guide to College: The First Week

Hi, it's time to go back to school so I thought I would make a guide to help you - and myself - through this time. Whether you are starting GCSEs or college like me or something else I hope that you can refer to this for help. This past week has been my first proper week of college which was both an exciting and daunting experience. Many things happened leading up to the first week as well as during it, so I thought I would impart what I learned with you in the hopes that it will make your first week go as smoothly as possible.
To prepare for my first day I bought myself all new stationary which I found lots of fun! I bought generic supplies such as pens, pencils, a rubber and sharpener as well as a pencil case although it is actually a makeup bag from Primark but still very useful due to its size. I bought extra things like a Diary, flashcards, and folders, I have four folders in total, three big ones which will stay at home and I will store all of my work in and then I have a little folder which I take to school every day. It took me forever to find a day folder as I wanted one with a nice pattern but I eventually found a cactus one, with a set of five dividers. I have a section for each subject plus one for general stuff I might get given - as I get given quite a lot from college - and a spare one.
Some other things I did to prepare was attend as many things as I could - such as open evenings and taster sessions - enabling me to know what college life was going to be like. I also attended the enrollment to get my place at the college, during this day the took a picture for my ID, made sure my courses were t correct gave me login details for the computers and gave us some "Flying Start" homework, so we knew a little about what the work would be like.
On my first day I woke up quite early and left with over an hour until I was due to be in college. I timed my journey so I now know how long it should take me each day, which is helpful when family members are asking what time I need to leave. I did however arrive a little early which is better than being late, and I spent this time checking I had everything and then reading - The Great Gatsby.
We got given ID badges -when we signed in -which we have to wear all the time, so if you get given one just wear it even if the photo is embarrassing because everyone else has an embarrassing photo.
We have tutor groups which we have to go to once a week, even if you won't spend much time with them I recommend you make friends with someone (this goes for all of your classes as it will be useful to have someone who is going through the same stuff as you).
Make sure you know where all of your classes our as this is a key part, and if you do get lost that is okay because it is a normal part of everyday life, especially in a new place.
Continue going to college and have lots of fun as it will be a great experience. If you have any issues I am sure there is numerous people you can talk to, for instance my college has; tutors, heads of departments, as well as support workers and of course the head teacher is there if you need a higher authority.
I hope you have a great time in college. If you have any advice please put it in the comments as I would love to hear it.
Will post soon - Josh