All you need to know about the Giants...

Hi, although I said I was going to be writing a blog post about the Hygge Lifestyle. I thought it'd be more fitting if I wrote about the Giants that are visting Liverpool and New Brighton this weekend.

The Giants are part of a street theatre company called 'Royal De Luxe'. Who have been going since 1979 until this year in which they plan to retire. It is owned by Jean-Luc Courcoult who is a French theatre director.
The Giants have already been in the Merseyside a whole two days although Xolo (the giant dog) was out on Thursday night whilst The Boy Gaint slept in St Georges Hall.

However the actual event didn't start until Friday morning when the Boy Gaint got up at 10 from St Georges Hall and wandered around Liverpool. Whilst at 11.15, The Giant, also known as The Diver in addition to this he is sometimes referred to as The Uncle awoke on New Brighton beach near Fort Perch Rock. The Gaints then had a siesta before continuing until the Uncle got on a boat on New Brighton prom.
The Giants are currently asleep but on Sunday they will wake up and walk around Liverpool together with a parade.
To find out more you can go to:
I highly recommend you go see them tomorrow if you can as this is last time they are performing and they are so woundorous you can't miss them.
Will post soon - Josh :)