Animals: The Yulin Dog meat festival

Seeing as this is my first proper post I was going to do something lighthearted and fun. But as I was scrolling through Facebook I saw this post (

The fact that the picture was blocked intrigued me so I clicked on it to find out what the petition was for. The petition was to "END the Yulin Dog Meat Festival NOW!". The article started off with a heartbreaking photo of two puppies who were bleeding and had their front paws tied behind their backs.

What is it?

The Yulin dog meat festival also known as the Lychee and dog meat festival. Takes place in Yulin, a city in the Guangxi province of China. It is an annual ten day festival from the 20th to the 30th of June (one of the hottest weeks of the year) and it coincides with the summers solstice. Festival-goers have consumed between 10,000 and 15,000 canines. Cat meat, fresh lychees and liquor are also available at the festival.

The festival first took place in 2009 marking the summer solstice. In China eating dog meat is a tradition and so is not against the law. Dog meat is also seen as a delicacy in many parts of the country and Yulin is an area famous for dog meat.

Why is it so bad?

Eating dogs my seem wrong to some but in China it is believed to; improve health, ward off diseases, bring luck and even increase sexual performance. The tradition of eating dogs dates back around 500 years. The Yulin festival brings pride to many locals. It also provides an increase in business to people selling dog or cat meat.

The residents argue and defend their festival by saying that hundreds and millions of cattle, pigs and poultry are slaughtered on a daily basis. Tang Chengfei, 24, from Yulin, has mentioned about how dog meat is a normal part of life for him and other residents of the town.

In 2014 he asked the New York Times “Why do people always pick on Yulin? Haven’t you seen how the Japanese eat live bullfrog sashimi?" He furthered his argument by adding: “I understand the other point of view. Many people feel a special bond with dogs. But we grew up around dog meat. For us, it’s normal."

Despite numerous locals and vendors claiming the animals are killed in a humane way. There is evidence to contradict that statement:
  • Firstly the dogs are crammed into tight cages.
  • The dogs are stolen pets, strays or have been bred in illegal puppy mills.
  • The dogs are denied food or water.
  • They are either skinned alive or clubbed to death.
  • However some are boiled alive.
  • The conditions in which the dogs face are cruel, horrific and harsh.

What is happening to stop it?

A poll published in state news agency Xinhua showed that 64% of people aged 16 to 50 would support a permanent end to the festival. Another 51.7%, including Yulin residents, wanted the dog meat trade banned completely, with 69.5% claiming to have never eaten dog meat.

The festival has been condemned by celebrities such as X Factor judge Simon Cowell and comedian Ricky Gervais. Who in 2015 tweeted: "Whether you're an atheist or believer, vegan or hunter, you must agree that torturing a dog then skinning it alive is wrong."

There numerous people all around the globe who are ashamed, appalled and disgusted by the Yulin dog meat festival. Together we can make a difference!

Author's note:

Hi, I'd like to thank you for reading. I'm sorry that I am posting today instead of yesterday like I said I was going to. In future I aim to post at 7.30 pm GMT on a Wednesday. I am thinking about making a blog series about animals which I'd post the last week of a month if you are interested.

Have a great week!

Will post soon - Josh 😃