Christmas Baking: Gingerbread Biscuits

Hi, it is beginning to look a lot like christmas!! So I thought I would share one of my holiday favourite recipes with you.
350g plain flour
2 teaspoons of ground ginger
1 teaspoon of bicarbonate soda
100g butter
175g soft light brown sugar
1 egg
4 tablespoons of syrup
  1. Prepare your trays for baking. You can do this by dipping a paper towel in some buttrr and rubbing it over two baking sheets, or by using baking mats like I did. Turn on your oven to 190°C (375°F or Gas mark 5).
  2. Then sift all of your dry ingredients (flour, ginger and bicarbonate soda) into a mixing bowl. Cut the butter into chunks and add them.
  3. Rub the butter into the flour with your hands, until it looks like fine breadcrumbs.
  4. You next need to add sugar to the mixture. In a separate bowl crock the egg, which you will add the syrup to before mixing them together well.
  5. Stir the eggy mixture from step 4 into the flour. before mixing everything together until it makes a dough.
  6. Sprinkle a clean work surface with flour, so that it looks like the white Christmas we are all dreaming of and put the dough onto it. Stretch out the dough by pushing it away from you.
  7. You need to repeat the process of folding the dough and pushing it away from you. Until the dough is smooth.
  8. Roll your dough out to the desired thickness, I recommend about 5mm (1/4 inches) thick.
  9. Now use some cookie cutters to cut out lots of shapes from the dough. Some classic Christmas shapes are stars, snowflakes, and Christmas trees, but you can't go wrong with a gingerbread man or woman (or even dog!!) Afterwards lift the shapes onto the baking sheets, a fish slice or spatula come in very handy at this stage.
  10. Put the biscuits on the baking sheets into your oven and bake them for 12-15 minutes. The perfect biscuits will turn a lovely golden brown.
Once you have baked them, leave them to cool before eating. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!
Will post soon - Josh :)