New Year's Resolutions
Published by Josh Banks,
"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible"
It is the start of a new year which means new diets are starting. Gym memberships being set-up, because a new year brings, new goals and resolutions.
Resolutions are crucial part of the new year, but why?

An ancient tribe called the Babylonians are said to have made the first New Year's resolutions over 4,000 years ago. In the past January, being the start off a new year, was a time for early Christians to reflect on the mistakes of the previous so that they could resolve to do better.
In addition to this, the majority of people give up on their resolutions on the 10th of January, so if you have lasted this far then you are doing well.
I thought I would share with you what my new years resolutions are; to read more, be happier and - a humourus one my brother made for me on new years eve - to get over my little chest infection.
I know 'be happier' seems like a drastic and vague resolution, especially seeing as I already consider my self quite happy. However I was inspired by a The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin which a good friend's mum highly suggested I read (and so did the bookshop clerk whilst i was buying it). This urge to find true happiness was furthered

(This photo was shot by my amazing auntie of me in media-res laughing as she nearly blinded me with her photography lights 💡)
I absolutely love reading even though I have an awful track record of starting a book and never finishing it and an obsession of being books from charity shops but never getting round to reading them . So this year I vowed that I would break these habits in the hopes that I read more.

Some books that aspire to read this year are:
- Jack Kerouac - On The Road (I am starting the year off with this modern-classic to fuel my wanderlust.)
- Sarah Millican - How to be Champion (I started this last year and found it absolutely hilarious as well as informative but due to my awful reading habits never finished it.)
- Carole Matthews - With or Without you ( another I started last year but again didn't complete.)
- Dexter Dias - The ten types of Human (I found this gem whilst browsing Waterstones.)
- Anne Bronte - The Tennant of Wildfell Hall (I found out about this from a friend, who lovely brought it for me.)
- Sue Grafton - B is for Burgular (Which was an absolute pearl amongst grains of sands in this quirky bookshop I found it in.)
- Dale Carnegie - How to win friends and influence people in the digital age (My dad highly recommended it, so my Grandma bought it as a Christmas present and I have just been dying to read.)
- Eva Rice - The Misinterpretation of Tara Jupp (This book cries out to me, I just can't wait to read it)
Of course, these aren't the only books I am going to read this year but I just thought I'd list a few I am dying to read. On top of this list, I am debating whether or not to do the Pop Sugar reading challenge - a five times annual reading challenge in which you have to read 50 books whilst also being encouraged to explore a wide selection of different genres and writing styles- I know it seems a bit extreme and quite unrealistic to do. However I believe that it will be a fun and interesting [reading] adventure.

What are your resolutions? How are you getting on with them? Tell me in the comments, I would love to know! 💛
Will post soon - Josh C: