Profiles of Phenomenal People: Ambedo Blue
Published by Josh Banks,
Hi, so on Monday the 28th I had the amazing opportunity of interviewing 'Ambedo Blue', a fantastic up and coming Indie band.

The band inevitably formed after George, Miles and Lucas all grew up close to one another on the Wirral Peninsula, knowing each other their whole lives, and sharing their love of music. Lucas, an integral part of the current band, was not in the original line up; but in February 19, they formed this brand spanking new band which needed a talented drummer and Lucas was the obvious choice. Miles is quoted as saying "We were on a roll from then on" which is quite the compliment.

Paddy's first entry into the world of music was "My Dad having Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Californication on in the car all the time, and I remember thinking that, that is tasty". Another way in which he was introduced to music was "Mr Brown who used to come into my Primary School to sing and play guitar... I remember watching him when I was around 4 or 5 years old thinking that I'd love to play the guitar!! My dad and Mr Brown are my two biggest influences".
"My dad is a massive influence for playing the guitar," Milo continued "he is incredible! He is an acoustic man, and he has got a classical acoustic guitar which he plays. One of my earliest memories is lying on his bed whilst he played the guitar and it sent me to another universe... I have always loved to pick up a guitar from that point".
A 13 year old George got into music with the help from his sister, he said "She got me a cheap second hand guitar, that I really didn't like very much!! Then, a few years later, in Music class, Mr Elson was handing out guitars and I desperately wanted a guitar but he gave me a bass!! I wasn't convinced, but after I give in and started to play, I just liked the feel of it and I loved the idea that i had such range and power".

As you have read, each member of the band has found their interest in music as a result of their family. George is quoted as saying "We all grew up with musical families".
Although, Lucas did then go on to say that "The girl I liked at the time said that she liked boys who played musical instruments... so obviously I started to play drums!! My Dad bought me a snare drum ages before and I decided to start playing that".
Musical Heroes.

As previously mentioned, Paddy started off by listening to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers with his Dad. He went onto explain "In year 1 or year 2 we learnt about The Beatles and part of our homework was to find a Beatles CD. I can remember listening to that non-stop, thinking 'WOW these guys are amazing!!'. My Dad was into the Blues, so we listened to Johnny Cash quite a lot. It wasn't until 2009 that I discovered Michael Jackson, and I listened to him all the time and thought he was incredible. When I got to High School my love for music developed... I always have, and still do, get my musical influence from Milo's family. I would say I have a wacky music taste". Another way to describe his music taste is 'eclectic'.
Lucas said "My Dad played a lot of the Decemberists and Tom Waites in the car and they were very narrative. But that all changed when I watched Shrek and heard Smash Mouth".
Each band member has their own playlist on the Ambedo Blue Spotify page. George said "I made mine off what I would consider the style of base-liners to be, like new Indie. Grounded but with funky basslines, a very melodic vibe which is what you will find in my playlist".
Lucas added "The local scene is pretty good" referring to the music scene in and around Wallasey. It was clear that all the members of the band like to pick and mix when it comes to choosing their own playlists.
Miles said "Lyrically, I would like to say Alex Turner but I don't think that is capable, he is a very clever dude. But I'd have to say its more Van Mccann because he says what he wants to say, its implicit. I just like words". On the other hand he did mention that "Musically I get a lot of inspiration from Catfish and the Bottlemen, Oasis and Beatles type things where you can play it on an acoustic guitar and it will still sound good".
Lucas gives us another insight into the bands inspiration - "It is important to note that, in terms of musical inspiration, I reckon you get a lot of it from books and films whether it's intentional or subconsciously... not just other bands". Paddy then added that "It's things that have a sentimental value to you. Like I grew up watching The Breakfast Club and a lot of that music has stuck with me. I think it's a phenomenal film!"
Why 'Ambedo Blue'?
Originally they were called 'The Albion' but gave themselves a revamp, explaining that "The reason we didn't stick with The Albion (which was chosen because of the street that they live on) is because there was a lad a few years above us who went to Manchester University and it transpired that his band was called The Albion as well!!" - Miles. Another reason to change the bands name was that there are numerous bands who go by the same name.

"'Ambedo Blue' basically came from Me, Milo and Lucas sitting upstairs [In Milo's house} brainstorming ideas" explained George. They thought about what colours worked with their sets, and since they had just bought a new, blue, guitar they decided to go with that! Colour scheme sorted!! They found Ambedo on a list of obscure words, 30 words down. There was a unanimous agreement (after googling the meaning!!) that they liked the new name.
For anyone interested...
Ambedo meaning - a kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details - raindrops skittering down the window etc.
What are their songs about?
Most of the band's songs are about a personal experience. Their new song "You Got It All" is about Miles' brother's relationship at the time. Unfortunately, they are no longer together... the irony (!)
Lucas wasn't in the band at that this time and has said that "You Got It All" is song about being a third wheel. Don't Let Her Run" is about Paddy and his Girlfriend's relationship and written by Milo. Whilst 'This Time' was a song which Paddy wrote effortlessly without any specific inspiration.
How do they write their songs?
First they write the lyrics, and then a melody on the acoustic guitar which they send to the group chat. Then George sends back an idea for a bass line. Which will change over time. George and Milo will be in work in the cafe and any opportunity they get they will talk about how they'll write or structure the song. Lucas adds that the drums are the last bit to go in, which is odd for a lot of bands. "With 'You Got It All' especially, I took a lot of time trying to bring the riff together. So we didn't really have the lead guitar and the drums until we came together in here ['here' being Milo's front room where they rehearse]" says Paddy. However, Milo declared "Rhythm guitar and base is nailed and then we experiment with lead guitar and drums that is when the song can make a change. We will have an idea of what it should be and then Paddy or Lucas will do something and we are like yes that is what it has to be now."
Lucas adds "On a personal note as the final member of the band and the last process in song writing, it was pretty nerve racking. I think that it's important being in a band because it changes they way you think about how you play with others [Que comical snare and cymbal].

Especially if you're feeling the pressure of having to create music that responds well with what the other members have in mind but whilst staying true to your ideas. 6 months ago I had a completely different mindset to playing the drums - you want to impress and you don't want to let the band down.... but you don't want to sellout." But they all said that being in a band is a great experience and just a lot of laughs "I think since I joined this band I've got a six pack off of laughing" said Milo... but, as another example of their great sense of humour, he did ask for me to clarify that he doesn't actually have one!!
What is their funniest story?
They were booked to play at a 60th party gig, where they were introduced as 'The Acorn'! They used all of their own gear, and after that comment and the bad directions, were playing so badly some old man scrunched up tissue, put it in his ears and walked out. Afterwards, he came up to them and said they'd be the next rock stars!! Which we don't deny... I have every faith that they will be successful and not one of their fans will request tissue for their ears.
Words of Advice:
Paddy said "No matter how talented you are you've got to make it nice for the audience".

Thank you for reading this blog post! Go check out their new song on Spotify:

And stay tuned as they have two new songs still to release this year, at the end of November and December. Plus a music video!!
Will Post Soon - Josh :)