Profiles of Phenomenal People: Michael Aldag

Hello, I am back with another Profiles of Phenomenal People. This one is about Michael Aldag, who is an up and coming musician from New Brighton (which is near my hometown). Interviewing Michael was great as his answers were amazing, so I hope you enjoy this blog post.

To begin with, I asked Michael if he'd always liked music, to which he told me: "Originally I wanted to be a footballer like a lot of other little boys but when I was seven my music teacher said I had a good voice so I joined the choir and then it all stemmed from there." He gave us further insight, by saying "I started writing and gigging at 14 and I’d say that’s when I started taking it more seriously, but yeah I’d say I pretty much have always loved it."

I inquired whether his music teacher was a guide, his response was "Nah not really," which was followed up by "I’d say that the support I’ve received from my mum has been the thing that’s helped me the most. The fact that she’s encouraged me to pursue music and also the attitude and values she’s instilled in me have served me very well up to this point." This lead on to us discussing stress as it is a common experience among the majority of us. Aldag said "The only times it can be a struggle is when I’m writing, I get very uptight and tied up in my head if I feel like I’m writing the same stuff or it’s not as good as something I’ve done before, so a lot of songs tend to be linked to that in some way." Showing that its okay to doubt yourself as long as you remember how great you really are.

Aldag continued to convey a sense of humanity as he told me "Obviously I get nervous before gigs and things but that all goes once you’re on stage because it’s too fun to be stressed about and deep down I love attention so I tend to balloon once I have that many eyes on me."

I went on to ask him why he likes music and what it means to him? "I am very grateful for music. It’s given me a lot: the ability to express feelings I didn’t know I had and to understand them, the ability to share my emotions with other people in the hope they can relate in some way and opportunities that I never would’ve had otherwise. It’s not the be-all and end-all but it’s getting there."

When asked about his favourite music type: "That’s hard aha erm I love loads, from rap to musical theater I think everything has an influence on my music. Genres are pretty much dying out now everyone mixes everything because all different types of music are more accessible now thanks to the internet. Like I said I love rap and for like two years straight it was all I listened to so I think it’s impact is apparent in my stuff but yeah everything!"

Regarding his future plans, Aldag told me "I’m recording an EP this summer, so hopefully that will drop soon. Then I’m just gonna keep gigging and getting experience really, keep writing, exploring new genres and yeah the future looks cool!" Then, I got the pleasure of insight into his EP, as he said "I’m just in the final stages of picking the songs for it now. I want something that captures my whole style within it! I hope people like the songs and I hope they can enjoy them whilst listening to the messages in them."put a sentence "I hope people my age can relate to it because a lot of what I write about comes from experience and my perception of the world and my position in it as a teenager. I think the world has been changed so dramatically by the internet and social media and we’re the guinea pig generation so I think we have an opportunity to say things that future generations can reference when they look back."

I highly recommend you check out Michael's music!

Thank you so much for reading! Stay tuned, as I actually have a few posts planned for the future.

Will post soon - Josh