Reasons why you should go to Chamboree...
Published by Josh Banks,
Hi, so from 28th July – 4th August I had one of the best weeks of my life! That's because I was fortunate enough to be able to go to Chamboree 2018.

If you don't know what Chamboree is, it's a humongous scouting and guiding camp with over 5,000 people going from all over the globe. Chamboree is about welcoming Scouts and Guides from across the world for a week jammed packed of activities, fun and friendship.

The next time this once in a lifetime experience happens is in 2022, so if you need a nudge to get you thinking about going then look no further because this blog post is full of my highlights from the week which are guaranteed to get you pinning to go:
- With all the people that are going you are sure to meet new friends from all over the place.
Meeting everyone is an absolute blast as you meet someone new everyday, there are even opportunities to eat dinner with different groups.

- Your week will be jam packed with a constant supply of exciting and engaging activities.
During the week you will have the can visit 9 zones with activities that will be adventurous, creative and unique. The programme is organised to allow you to challenge yourself, try new things, as well as learn about the world we live in.

(Above is me playing twister.)
- Spending a week with your scouting/guiding group might seem daunting but you will grow as a team.
I know that may sound cringey but in the weeks leading up to Chamboree I was having second thoughts about being stick with my crazy troop. Although as soon as we got to the Chesire show grounds everyone was instantly looking out for each other, helping to setup. At points things weren't smooth sailing, nevertheless we all got along in the end leaving everyone feeling closer (as long as you remember to shower you'll all get along.)

- You'll probably end up partying all night long.
Or at least until 11 pm when it's "Quiet time" until 7 am. With live bands on the main stage and karaoke (which turned into a full party) there is definitely something you'll enjoy doing. Even if dancing and singing at the top of your lungs isn't your thing, you will find something that is your thing whether that's at the cafe, the cinema or even elsewhere.

(Here is a photo someone took during the YMCA, I'm covered by the arm of the girl in the green jumper.)
- All the stuff!
You will go there with just the one bag and leave with more than you can carry. If it's not merchandise, then it'll be all the peculiar things you pick up along your adventure.
I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer and if you get the chance to go to Chamboree 2022 I highly recommend you go.
Will post soon - Josh :)