Students throughout Britian protest for climate change action!

"Be the difference you want to see in the world.." ~ Mahatma Gahndi

On Friday over thousands of students took to the streets in 60 towns and cities: to express how passionate they feel about taking action to protect our planet and save the environment .

The students — many with the support of parents and even some teachers who also joined the march — said they wanted to get the message across that just because they’re too young to vote doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be heard.

As student, Charlie Phillips - who was protesting in Liverpool - said "I hope it opens up conversations between people and that it gets the MPs to make stricter rules and laws."

When I asked CP why she protested, she replied "Because it’s literally the future of our planet, nothing else will matter if we don’t have a planet. And I think it means a lot that it was mostly school kids there."

However like with everything there is controversy as Neil Harris said "It's a good idea but will not make any change." When I asked him to follow up on this he said "The state will not bring any money forward".

If you feel as passionately about saving our planet there is another march on the 15th of March.

Will post soon - Josh