The future is female
Published by Josh Banks,
"Life isn't fair, so you have to play the best game you can with the cards you're dealt." - Emma Banks
For my Mum,

With it being both International Women's Day (Thursday 8th) and Mother's Day (Sunday 11th) this week. Which makes this the perfect week to consider and celebrate who make a massive impact on our day to day lives. In an era where people are so caught up with other things we forget whats truly important. We need to disconnect to reconnect with those who mean so much to us. So i've decided to dedicate this blog post to those who run the world. This post is in tribute to the women who have impacted my life the most therefore I'd like to thank them because they are all fantastic and amazing.
Mum - Firstly my amazing mum. For always being there for me, someone I could turn to when I needed help or support. And all those many hours spent watching Gilmore Girls until early in the morning. My mum always believed in me and taught me to be creative as well as unique. I will remember the time we spent together and will love you always.
My lil sis - Pheobe you're going to grow into a strong and beautiful young woman. I know you'll always take care of the boys and boss them about if you need to. You'll always be mum's little princess. But just because you're a princess doesn't mean that you can't be a warrior. I'm always here for you Pheoby weeby. X
Grandma - For being so kind and caring. For teaching me how to sew and bake. Thank you so so much. You have always been there to lend a hand or give me a lift (metaphorically and literally). I don't say it enough but I love. I've always admired how kind and caring my grandma is.
My amazing aunties - To my amazing, crazy aunties. The lives and souls of any party. Thank you for all of the wonderful, memorable and exceptional holidays/ days out you've taken me on. You're all fantastic and I love you all equally.
My friends - Last but not least my wierd but unique friends. We haven't known each other all that long, but my life wouldn't be the same without you. My friends are all so creative and inspiring it's truly amazing to be around them. We have made so many memories that I hope to keep forever. I consider all of my friends as an extension of my own family.
All of the amazing women I have mentioned are in my eyes the best of the best. I hope that this post has inspired you to think about the important as well as fantastic women in your life. And let them know that you care about them.
“When women support each other, incredible things happen!"
Will post soon - Josh :)