The Hygge Lifestyle

There is a Danish lifestyle called Hygge which is all about happy living and cosiness which is not only a lovely way to spend/start off the new year, but it is a perfect way to live. Some background information about Hygge is that it is the cornerstone for the way of life in Denmark, which has been consistently ranked as one of the happiest nations in addition to this Danes have a high quality of life. Is this due to Hygge?

What is Hygge?

Meik Wiking a happiness expert from Denmark describes it as "Getting consciously cozy. Cosiness of the soul, it's taking pleasure in the simple things." Meaning that it focuses on stuff like drinking hot chocolate by the fire, curling up under the blanket with a good book and even socializing (even if you wouldn't think it). Hygge is a feeling, an atmosphere and it's an experience. It's less about things more a feeling of comfort that we all enjoy during Autumn and Winter but it is carried on all year long.

To fully understand what Hygge is I decided to buy Wiking's book, which is called 'The Little Book of Hygge' ( The book has an adorable cover, apart from looks the book is filled to the brim with insightful information about hygge, hominess and lifestyles.

Key Elements of Hygge

  • Togetherness

(This photo isn't from Pexels, this is my good friend and I on the merry go round at Blackpool Pleasure Beach having a blast enjoying the rides and each others company)

-Being with other people is a crucial part of Hygge
-Hygge has been to referred to as "Like a hug without touching"
-Being with and touching others releases the neurohormone oxytocin which makes us feel happy and reduces stress, fear and pain.
-As spending time with family is so pivotal parents are aloud to leave the work place st 4.00 to collect there whilst others are aloud yo leave at 5.00 allowing them more time to enjoy dinner with loved ones.
-Time spent with others creates an atmosphere that is warm, relaxed, friendly, down-to-earth, close, comfortable, snug, welcoming, etc...

  • Food and Drink

(This one is from pexels because only in my dreams can I make hot chocolates that good)

-Whilst not as important as being with others food and drink plays a key part in hygge.
-Comfort food is crucial and is often enjoyed with family or friends.
-Food is just as important as drink and the Danes love their hot drinks.
-Cake is definitely hyggelight (hygge like) and is often eaten in plentiful amounts by Danes. It is also a common sight in the offices.
-Getting your hands dirty by baking at home is very hyggelig and can be done on one's own or with others.

  • Clothing

(Another one from pexels but I am sure I have enough jumpers to re-create it if only I had the photography skills)

-If you want to experience hygge your clothing has got to fit the part.
-It's all very casual and comfy whilst still being stylish.
-Jumpers play a main role due to ease and versatility.
-Scarves are a must. For both men and women.
-The Danish hairstyle is casual to the point of being borderline lazy.

  • Home

(I think this is a photo of a Christmas wreath but I found it on pexels and thought it was beautiful)

-Hygge is mainly practiced at home which is why the Danes care so much about their houses.
-Candles instantly make anywhere more homely which is why to add hygge you must add candles.
-71% of Danes experience hygge most at home.
-Danes prefer hjemmehygge (home hygge)

Hygge Wishlist:

Seeing as a the home is almost the headquarters of hygge and where it is most practiced. Danes
  1. Hyggekrog
  2. Fireplace
  3. Candles
  4. Nature
  5. Books
  6. Ceramics
  7. Wood
  8. Textures
  9. Vintage
  10. Blankets and Cushions

I hope that this blog post has been in one way or another beneficial to you. I'd love to know if there is a particular lifestyle that you follow? If so please leave a comment, and we can have a group discussion.

Will post soon - Josh C:

All these lovely photos are from