The Importance of Happiness

"Being happy never goes out of style." - Lily Pulitzer

Hey everyone...
How are you all? I hope you've had/ you're having a lovely day!
In a world full of misery and hatred, we tend to focus on the negative over the positive. But if we took a minute to stop and think we'd realise that there is more to be happy about. And in a society full of frowns a smile is a rebellious way of making you stand out from the crowd.
This week's post is going to highlight the benefits of being happy, smiling and laughing.
  • Smiling can lift a bad mood - If your having a rough day smiling helps to "fake it till you make it". By smiling you can trick your mind into believing that you are happy even if you're actually not.
  • Helps us bond with others - Smiling is natural human body language so if we smile when talking to someone new it makes a good impression on them.
  • Good for your heart - Having a period of intense laughing has been shown to improve and increase the flowing of blood around your body making your heart healthier and happier
  • Shows love - Being able to laugh with someone shows that we feel connected with them and it's a way of showing you trust someone.
  • Keeps things in perspective - There is a danger of taking ourselves too seriously but laughing contradicts this. It's totally okay too laugh it's even better to be able to laugh at ourselves.
  • Laughter relaxes the whole body - A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.
So laughing and Smiling not only make you happier they also improve your health, reduce stress and some studies have shown increase your life span. Stay happy and part 2 of The Importance of Happiness will be out soon.
- Josh :)